“I can’t be the only town resident who finds it unconscionable to live amidst such affluence and yet have our children attend public schools that are so poorly maintained.” – Joan Thakor Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/joan-thakor/)
“I can’t be the only town resident who finds it unconscionable to live amidst such affluence and yet have our children attend public schools that are so poorly maintained.” – Joan Thakor Continue Reading →
“We are as concerned as everyone about the economic impact of the pandemic. However, current indicators suggest our Town’s finances have held steadfast. Property transactions — and conveyance tax revenues — have increased. Divide the $900,000 difference between the BET and BOE budgets by the 16,000 families living in Greenwich and one gets $56.25.” – group letter Continue Reading →
As a Greenwich High School junior, this break from traditional learning that the district initiated to slow the spread of COVID-19 is taking some adjusting. Here are some suggestions on ways to remain calm and stay connected. Continue Reading →