Alex Rocco might just be the youngest liquor store owner in town. At 25, Rocco said his goal was to open his first business before turning 25, and he made it. By four days! Rocks Wine & Spirits, at 140 Hamilton Avenue in Chickahominy opened in March 2023 and has become a hit. The name of the store is a play on words, many words. Continue Reading →
Hamilton Avenue
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8-30g Affordable Housing Proposal Would Feature 10 Residential Units, No Commercial Use
The applicant, an LLC registered to Joseph Pecora, proposes to demolish the existing buildings and construct a 4-story building with 10 apartments, three of which would be affordable per 8-30g; 11 parking spaces (including one handicap space). Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Real Estate, 8-30g, Garden Catering, Hamilton Avenue, Joseph Pecora
Courtnay’s Kitchen Cooks, Packs, Delivers 100 Thanksgiving Meals to Greenwich Seniors
The Greenwich Senior Center is thankful to Courtnay’s Kitchen for cooking fresh, delicious meals in their kitchen and delivering them to Greenwich Seniors – the most vulnerable of all. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Giving, Holiday, Courtnay Arpano, Courtnay’s Kitchen, Hamilton Avenue
Proposed Multi-Family Behind Two Door Returns to P&Z on April 17
On the April 17 Planning & Zoning agenda is an 8-30g application seeks to demolish two 2-family homes on a flag lot behind the Two Door Restaurant at 176 Hamilton Ave in Chickahominy and replace them with three buildings for a total of 10 units. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Real Estate, Hamilton Avenue, Hamilton Avenue School, Two Door Restaurant
Chickahominy Mom Circulates Petition to Draw Attention to Traffic Safety Concerns at Hamilton Avenue School
A petition is circulating on paper and online to seek police enforcement or a change in the pick-up/drop-off pattern at Hamilton Avenue School. Petitioners say cars and trucks cross the double yellow line as traffic snarls and children fill the crosswalk. Continue Reading →