For 50 years, Save the Sound has been committed to protecting and improving the land, air, and water in Connecticut, Southern New York, and Long Island Sound. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/greenwich-garden-club/)
For 50 years, Save the Sound has been committed to protecting and improving the land, air, and water in Connecticut, Southern New York, and Long Island Sound. Continue Reading →
With hundreds of acres of native meadow seeded from Virginia to Upstate New York, Pennington Marchael has broad understanding of what it takes to build successful meadows from seed. Continue Reading →
The Flinn Gallery presents ‘Art in Bloom’ at the Greenwich Library through March 8. An exhibition of colorful, flower-filled and nature-inspired paintings by five regional artists. Escape the winter blues. This exhibit radiates a colorful, happy glow! Continue Reading →
The community gardens reflect a commitment not only providing food for pollinators but also providing respite for migratory birds. Continue Reading →
On April 28 at 5:30pm Steve Conaway, Conservation and Outreach Director, The Greenwich Land Trust, presents: The Practical Pollinator…principals of habitat improvement to encourage pollinators and other wildlife into your home landscape. The GLT Mueller Conservation Preserve is located on Round Hill Road www.gltrust.org
May 25 is Pizza PlotLuck in Greenwich Community Gardens (GCG) at Armstrong Court with its new pizza oven and fresh vegetables. Patty Sechi, GCG President and Founder www.greenwichcommunitygardens.org demonstrates gardening for pollinators. May 26th is the rain date. Continue Reading →