“While there is widespread relief that the sale is now cancelled, deep concern remain that future inappropriate uses of this land would negatively impact the community.” – Liz Boutry, Laura Dahm, and LB Savitz Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/greenwich-catholic-school/)
“While there is widespread relief that the sale is now cancelled, deep concern remain that future inappropriate uses of this land would negatively impact the community.” – Liz Boutry, Laura Dahm, and LB Savitz Continue Reading →
Greenwich Catholic School’s 38-acre campus has large classrooms and common areas that can safely accommodate students within current social-distancing restrictions. Expansive outdoor fields and play areas used for recess, Physical Education classes and Athletics can be modified to comply with new guidelines. Continue Reading →
Campers will enjoy two pools, athletic fields, art studios, playgrounds, STEM labs, maker spaces and tennis courts. GCS’s indoor and outdoor pools will allow ESF to provide additional Red Cross certified swim instruction and more swim time for campers! Continue Reading →
The Assistant Principal and Dean of Students positions are new to the Greenwich Catholic School Administrative Team. Continue Reading →
The Greenwich Prevention Council is organizing a Greenwich Community Forum where the Youth Survey Results will be shared to be held on December 4 at YWCA Greenwich from 7:00-8:30pm. Continue Reading →
Summer is right around the corner. Click here to see a variety of local summer camps. Continue Reading →
At Summer camp at Corbin’s Crusaders, campers discover their true potential as they explore a variety of sports on the 38 acre North Street campus of Greenwich Catholic School. The camp includes daily swim instruction in indoor and outdoor pools. The camp has experienced adult coaches and offers a flexible schedule with 1 to 8 weeks available. Continue Reading →
Every year students and staff at Greenwich Catholic School look forward to celebrating cultural diversity day, which coincided on Tuesday with United Nations Day. Continue Reading →
At Greenwich Catholic School, author Alan Gratz recounted stories about how he became a writer and where he finds inspiration for his novels. Continue Reading →
“These kids are capable of a lot more than you might imagine.” – Greenwich Catholic School science teacher Carol Ann Lutz Continue Reading →