The Girls Who Code Club, lead by Michelle Woo and Cassandra Marcussen, has released their app Under My Wing. They talk to GFP about the gender gap in STEM, the reasons for their success, and future plans. Continue Reading →
Girls Who Code
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GHS “Girls Who Code” Club Honored by BOE for Winning in Verizon’s App Challenge
Congratulations to the GHS Girls Who Code Club, who were honored by the Board of Education’s February meeting for their winning status in the Verizon App Challenge. Their app, “Under My Wing,” addresses the high number of sexual assaults across the country. The app features self defense educational tutorials, emergency contact features and integrated recording capabilities to help increase security. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Schools, Girls Who Code, Under My Wing
Girls Who Code Club at GHS is Inclusive, Ambitious
The Girls Who Code Club at Greenwich High School was started by Cassandra and Michelle, two girls searching for a welcoming club for beginners. They checked out the Computer Programming Club and found it was dominated by boys who already knew how to club. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Schools, Cassandra Marcussen, Girls Who Code, Girls Who Code Club, Greenwich High School, Michelle Woo, Reshma Saujani, Teach Girls Bravery Not Perfection
Getting Girls into Tech: Founder of ‘Girls Who Code’ Shares Advice with Greenwich Girls
Reshma Saujani who founded Girls Who Code and who has a wildly popular TED Talk “Teach Girls Bravery, Not Perfection,” addressed girls from Greenwich High School, Greenwich Academy, Stanwich School, Whitby School, Convent of the Sacred Heart and Greenwich Country Day School. Saujani urged the girls to work on becoming brave, and to embrace risk-taking and failure rather than limit themselves to what they are good at and aiming for perfection.
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