Officials Mark Completion of GHS Secure Vestibule with Ribbon Cutting

Local officials gathered at Greenwich High School Tuesday morning to mark the completion of the secure vestibule.

GHS Principal Ralph Mayo, who has been a student, teacher and administrator of the building since 1970.

“At that time the entire student body gathered in the student center to commemorate the opening of the ‘new’ Greenwich High School. Over the years we have added a science wing, a performing arts center, team rooms, fitness center and a dance studio. The school district rehabilitated the entire building in the 1990s. As we completed all this construction and created a new house, we never built an entry-way worthy of one of the best high schools in our country. Until now,” Mayo said.

Ribbon cutting ceremony for the new secure vestibule at Greenwich High School. Left to right Christina Downey, Steph Cowie, Jake Allen, Maureen Bonanno, committee chair Steve Walko, principal Ralph Mayo, Ashley Cole, Louis Contadino, Craig Amundson, Lauren Rabin and Karen Hirsh. Sept 3, 2024 Photo: Leslie Yager

Acting BOE chair Karen Hirsh noted the project was about more than bricks and mortar, but rather about the safety of students and staff, as well as being fully ADA accessible.

Building Committee chair Steve Walko said, “While on one hand, isn’t it heartbreaking to think we have to spend to much planning and building to eliminate threats to our children. On the other hand we should celebrate what will now be a real front entrance to a beautiful high school.”

Walko joked about the work of a school building committee. “Building committees are interesting constructs. Throw a bunch of well meaning volunteers into a room, give them millions of dollars, and demand that nothing goes wrong with the construction project.”

He thanked Silver Petrucelli Architects, Wernert Construction Management, Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Construction Solutions Group and town hall staff including building officials, fire marshal, tree warden and zoning officials.

The building committee is comprised of chair Steve Walko, vice chair Jake Allen, Ashley Cole, Maureen Bonanno, Stephanie Cowie, Leslie Moriarty (BET), Louis Contadino and Karen Hirsh (BOE). Ex officio members are Steven Swidler  (GHS Staff), Craig Amundson (RTM), Dan Watson (BOE Central Office), Tom Bobkowski (BOE Central Office), Ralph Mayo (GHS Principal), Lauren Rabin (Board of Selectmen) and Will Schwartz (Dept of Public Works.)

Also in attendance were First Selectman Fred Camillo, US Congressman Jim Himes, BOE members Kathleen Stowe, Laura Kostin and Sophie Koven, State Senator Ryan Fazio, State Rep Rachel Khanna, Selectperson Janet Stone McGuigan, BET chair Harry Fisher, BET member Karen Fassuliotis, Police Chief Heavey, Police Lt John Slusarz and several other members of the Police Department, as well as PTA co-presidents Monica Huang and Lisa Sylvester.

Acting Board of Education chair Karen Hirsh at the ribbon cutting event. Sept 3, 2024 Photo: Leslie Yager

Ribbon cutting ceremony for the new secure vestibule at Greenwich High School. Sept 3, 2024 Photo: Leslie Yager

New secure vestibule at Greenwich High School. Sept 3, 2024 Photo: Leslie Yager

Inside the secure vestibule at Greenwich High School Sept 3, 2024 Photo: Leslie Yager

Fred Smith, security officer inside the vestibule just before the ribbon cutting. Sept 3, 2024 Photo: Leslie Yager

Secure vestibule at Greenwich High School Sept 3, 2024 Photo: Leslie Yager

Ready to cut the ribbon outside the secure vestibule at Greenwich High School Sept 3, 2024 Photo: Leslie Yager