This project will replace the Wesskum Wood Road Bridge, a deteriorating vehicular bridge adjacent to Binney Park that was originally built in 1950.
Project construction will start on Wednesday, July 5, 2023, and is anticipated to take a year.
The work limits of this project are on Wesskum Wood Road, between Binney Park Drive and Sound Beach Avenue.
Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) will be utilized to reduce road closure time.

Access to Binney Park’s tennis court, playground, and baseball fields will remain open to the public via Binney Park Drive.
This project is anticipated to take approximately one year and Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) techniques will be employed to reduce road closure time.
Access to Binney Park’s tennis court, playground, and baseball fields will remain open to the public via Binney Park Drive.
The vehicle detour route has been designated as Arch Street, Sound Beach Avenue, West End Avenue, Summit Road, Drinkwater Place, and Owenoke Way will be in effect.
Additional information and updates on the Wesskum Wood Road Bridge replacement project can be found at
Concurrently, Aquarion Water Company is replacing a water main on Oval Avenue and Summit Road. This project is separate from the Wesskum Wood Road Bridge Project. For information on Aquarion Water Company’s project, CLICK HERE.