“This is an exciting accomplishment for our students and I am very proud of their recognition,” said GHS Economics Teacher and Economics Club Advisor Ian Tiedemann. “They were able to pivot quickly to the competition’s new format and exceed expectations.” Continue Reading →
Sofia Pronina
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Greenwich High School Seniors Named as Top 300 Scholars in 2021 Regeneron Science Talent Search
Program alumni of the Regeneron Science Talent Search include recipients of the world’s most coveted science and math honors, including 13 Nobel Prizes, 11 National Medals of Science, six Breakthrough Prizes, 21 MacArthur Foundation Fellowships and two Fields Medals. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Schools, Alexander Patti, Andew Bramante, Edgar Sosa, Greenwich High School, Hannah Goldenberg, Regeneron Science Talent Search, Sofia Pronina
GHS China Club Members Reflect on Fundraiser for Wuhan As Greenwich Braces for COVID-19
Not long ago, members of the China Club at Greenwich High School held a successful fundraiser to buy face masks for people in Wuhan, China where there was a shortage. Today they are learning remotely as Greenwich Schools are closed to slow the spread of COVID-19. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, Schools, Alicia Tang, Benjamin Pipher, Brooke Hadden, China, China Club, Coronavirus
Ultra Motivated at GHS, Ian Tiedemann’s Euro Challenge Team Excels
A group of 9th and 10th graders talk about their advisor GHS teacher Ian Tiedemann and their trip to the Fed in New York for the Euro Challenge. After not even qualifying to enter last year, this year’s team made it to the top five. Along the way they visited Harlem and Chinatown, and spent many nights and early mornings preparing. Continue Reading →