“The SOMR proposed by a bi-partisan group of my colleagues in D-7 is not an Affordable Housing Plan, nor does it have any powers of enforcement. It is merely one more vehicle to let our legislators know that Greenwich citizens are extraordinarily concerned that we are losing control of the planning process.” – Submitted by Ellen Brennan-Galvin, RTM D-7, Vice-Chair, Land Use Committee Continue Reading →
Benedict Place
Recent Posts
P&Z to Benedict Place 8-30g Applicant: Consider Workforce Housing
“We’re shooting on the market rate side for the highest-end, premiere building in town. We want to have amenities to reflect that. Having the 77 market rate units out of the 110 total is what we think is the right size to deliver the amenities.” – Philip Wharton, Twining Properties Continue Reading →
Filed under: News, 8-30g, affordable housing, Benedict Place, Philip Wharton, Twining Properties, workforce housing
LETTER: Towering Monstrosities Are an Affront to Historic Downtown Greenwich
“My hope is for the Town of Greenwich and other municipalities to do everything in their power to have the State of Connecticut amend the 8-30g so that it will not allow developers to deface historic towns in Connecticut.” – Marianne Hillmer Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, 240 Greenwich Avenue, Benedict Court, Benedict Place, J Lofts West, Marianne Hillmer
Six-Story, 110 Unit Affordable Housing Development Would Be a Stone’s Throw from Greenwich Ave
A new P&Z pre-application would develop properties behind St Mary Church. It is submitted under state affordable housing statute 8-30g. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Real Estate, 8-30g, affordable housing, Benedict Court, Benedict Place, Greenwich Avenue, Joe Tranfo
Letter: Benedict Place project will destroy the town to the benefit of a very few and at the expense of many.
“If the owners of the buildings on Greenwich Avenue were less greedy and their lease more reasonable, the shops would not close. That’s simple, you could see it coming this since 2008.” – Patrick Lemarchand Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, Benedict Place, Patrick Lemarchand, Tranfo
Proposed Downtown Tranfo Development Gets a Grilling from P&Z
Commissioners asked whether the proposed multi story development on Benedict Court behind St. Mary’s Church would revive Greenwich Avenue and make the area more vibrant, or rather attract other developers and give Greenwich an unwanted urban quality. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Real Estate, Benedict Court, Benedict Place, Planning & Zoning Commission
P&Z: Proposed Text Amendment to CGIO Zone Could Signal Major Downtown Redevelopment
A proposed text amendment to the CGIO zone might make possible a 70 unit residential development with significant public parking underground, a public park at the corner of Lewis and Benedict Place, indoor community space for meetings and a pedestrian connector to Greenwich Ave. Continue Reading →