In addition to the aesthetic appeal, the living wall offers a variety of health benefits. To aid regular maintenance, an irrigation system was installed that self-waters the plants once a week. Continue Reading →
Ashforth Company
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Info Session on Greenwich Train Station Redevelopment Project Announced
On Tuesday, August 27 from 7:00-9:00pm First Selectman Peter Tesei and representatives from Ashforth Company are hosting an informational session at the Town Hall meeting room regarding the proposed Greenwich Transportation Center Redevelopment project. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Transportation, Ashforth Company, Greenwich train station, Peter Tesei
Train Station Redevelopment to Make First Stop in Permit Process on Thursday
The P&Z department seeks public input on the project. The applications include a preliminary site plan and special permit, a text amendment, and a Municipal Improvement subject to approval first by the Board of Selectmen. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Government, Real Estate, Transportation, Ashforth Company, Board of Selectmen, Municipal Improvement, Peter Tesei
Town of Greenwich and Ashforth Company Announce $45 Million Transportation Center Revitalization
Greenwich Train Station, Railroad Avenue and surrounding area to be redeveloped. The public hearing process on the project will begin at the July 30 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Continue Reading →