Research suggests nicotine may be more addictive than heroin and cocaine, and prime the brain for other addictions. One vape pod contains at least as much nicotine as a whole pack of cigarettes. Continue Reading →
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GHS Vaping Detectors in Bathrooms Go Live on Friday; PTA Panel on Dangers of Vaping Packs the House
Greenwich High School is piloting a program of vaping detectors in bathrooms as of Friday, Feb 1. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, Parenting, Schools, addiction, Dennis Bludnicki, Greenwich High School, Lorraine Termini, marijuana
Celebrate Recovery Month with First Selectman Peter Tesei
You are invited to celebrate recovery month on Sept. 23 at Town Hall. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Government, addiction, recovery
Addiction and the Brain, Myth vs Fact: Adults-Only Roundtable on Sunday
First in a speaker series at St. Catherine’s in Riverside, Sunday, Sept. 14 11:45am – 1:00pm. Continue Reading →