At Thursday’s Board of Selectmen meeting, First Selectman Tesei described September 11 as a somber day in our country.
Mr. Tesei said that this year the Town’s ceremony will move from the front steps of Town Hall to the Glenville Fire House where there is a memorial fabricated from steel from the World Trade Center.
The Glenville memorial was unveiled in 2011 on the ten-year anniversary of 9-11. At that event, a dedication speech was given by Joe Higgins, retired dispatcher for the Fire Department of New York who lost many colleagues on September 11, 2001. Higgins pointed out that in October 1777, the adjacent bridge at the intersection of Glenville and Riversville Roads was the spot where locals held back the advance of British troops until General Putnam’s arrival.
The remembrance ceremony is set for 6:30pm on Thursday, Sept. 11, 2014.