The annual 9/11 Memorial Service in Cos Cob Park featured remarks by Wells Noonan, who lost her brother Rob in the terrorist attacks 23 years ago. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/world-trade-center/)
The annual 9/11 Memorial Service in Cos Cob Park featured remarks by Wells Noonan, who lost her brother Rob in the terrorist attacks 23 years ago. Continue Reading →
“There were hundreds of us together working as one unit. Nobody cared the color of your skin. Nobody cared your religion. Nobody cared if you were a Republican or Democrat. We were all Americans at that moment. It was such a unique feeling. We were attacked and we all came together.” – Joe Kelly Continue Reading →
The Glenville Fire House is the location of a 9/11 Memorial constructed from World Trade Center steel. The site is also adjacent to the spot where locals held back the advance of British troops in 1777. The Town’s remembrance ceremony will take place in at the Glenville Fire House on Sept. 11 at 6:30pm. Continue Reading →