Wednesday’s Planning & Zoning meeting features the Cardinal Stadium improvement project. The item is the second on the agenda.
This application is a requesting a final site plan special permit, (see accompanying Municipal Improvement (MI)), for a ticket booth, parking area, pedestrian plaza and landscaping associated with the Cardinal Stadium improvement project.
Phase 1A was approved on July 28, 2020 and included the replacement of the home side bleachers and press box with elevator access. Construction of buildings under the bleachers to provide a home team room, public toilet rooms and support spaces and replacement of the performance lighting fixtures on the current poles.

The current proposal is for Phase 1B, which is for site improvements including upgrading the access drive to the bleacher area for delivery, food trucks, emergency access, an improved driveway from Post Road, handicapped parking spaces, and a new ticket kiosk.
To view the P&Z Staff Report, and application materials provided, please click here.

Down the road, Phase 2 will include replacement of the visitors bleachers, a new building for a visitors team room, public toilets and storage, relocation of the tennis courts, extension of the driveway to connect with the High School parking lots via a bridge, additional parking, a practice field area, and related wetlands mitigation.