Tarry Lighthouse: Just Over Mill St Bridge, 274 Units, Retail/Restaurant Proposed in Port Chester

A proposed mixed use development, Tarry Lighthouse, at the corner of 180 North Main Street and Mill Street in Port Chester – just over the Mill Street Bridge from Greenwich – would have 274 apartments and rise 9 stories high, with 27,905 gross square feet of retail/restaurant space at the ground floor.

Intersection of North Main Street and Mill Street. September 4, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

Intersection of North Main Street and Mill Street in Port Chester, NY. September 4, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

Intersection of North Main Street and Mill Street in Port Chester, NY. September 4, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

Looking toward Byram from Port Chester. Sept 4, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

Looking toward Byram from Port Chester. Sept 4, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

Tarry Lodge is still a going concern at 18 Mill Street in Port Chester, but the building would be demolished to make way for Tarry Lighthouse mixed use development. Sept 4, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

The building that was home to Tarry Market, now closed, in addition to the building that houses Tarry Lodge, still in operation, would both be demolished to make way for the Tarry Lighthouse development, which includes 274 studio and one bedroom apartments. Sept 4, 2019. Photo: Leslie Yager

The development includes a proposed parking garage for 146 cars plus “semi-automatic valet parking” for 212 cars for a total of 358 parking spots. Parking will be accessed via an unsignalized driveway from Abendroth Ave.

The area to be developed comprises an entire block, bordered by North Main Street, Abendroth Ave, Highland Ave and Mill Street.

All are classified in the C-2 Main Street Business District.

The majority of the residential units are proposed to be studio and one-bedroom apartments.

The site currently serves the Tarry Lodge, Tarry Market (closed), Tarry Wine and a Warehouse, as well as the Port Chester Dine & Design Building where Acuario and Tandoori Restaurants operate in addition to Redi Cut Carpet.

The development is about 1/3 of a mile from the Port Chester Train Station.

Restaurants and retail use are permitted in the C-2 zone as of right.

Multi family residential uses are allowed by issuance of special exception permit from the Planning Commission.

The applicant is Tarry Lighthouse LLC, which is registered to C/O EJ Lighthouse LLC in White Plains, which is registered to AGD Tarry LLC of White Plains, which is registered to Lighthouse Living LLC, managing member David Mann out of Armonk, NY.

The application was first submitted on December 13, 2018. Since then, the applicant has entered into a contract to acquire the Dine & Design building at 163 North Main Street and the Tarry Lodge Building at 18 Mill Street, which weren’t part of the original application.

Altogether, the application, which is before Port Chester’s Planning Commission includes 163, 175, 179 North Main Street; 18 Mill Street and 20 Abendroth Avenue.

View toward Port Chester from Byram where Delavan becomes Mill Street. Sept 4, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

View toward Port Chester from Byram where Delavan becomes Mill Street. Sept 4, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager


A traffic impact study conducted by Provident Design Engineering, dated Feb 27, 2019 and updated Aug 7, 2019, concluded that traffic would not have a significant impact on the adjacent roadways.

“The proposed Project will not generate significantly different traffic than what is being generated by the existing properties at the Site. Safe and efficient traffic operation will be maintained,” the consultant said in their report.

Provident also said that based upon the Institute of Transportation Engineers, they anticipate about 23 entering vehicles and 59 exiting vehicles during the peak morning hours and 86 entering vehicles and 37 exiting vehicles during the peak evening hour.

“The intersections will continue to operate at good Levels of Service in the future, even after the opening of the proposed Project.

There are currently some peak hour delays and queues experienced at the signalized intersections during the Peak PM Hour due to the proximity and operation of the traffic signals, unrelated to the Project.”

– Traffic Impact Study, Provident Design Engineering

The traffic impact study said there would not be a significant impact on any nearby intersections and therefore no roadway improvements were suggested.

However, the applicant is assisting the Village of Port Chester work with the Town of Greenwich, Westchester County, CT Dept of Transportation, and NY Dept of Transportation to improve traffic signal timing along Mill St in Port Chester and Delavan Ave in Greenwich.

This includes potential modifications to the traffic signal phasing and timing at the intersection of Delavan Avenue and North/South Water Street.

The application is tentatively scheduled to go before the Port Chester Planning Commission on Sept 30, 2019. Stay tuned.