Junior League’s Popular “Touch a Truck” Returns to Town Hall on June 9, 2019

Every child dreams of sitting behind the wheel of a fire truck, honking the horn of a dump truck or riding a roaming railroad. Those dreams can become reality at the Junior League of Greenwich’s annual “Touch A Truck!” event.

This year’s event will take place on Sunday, June 9, 2019 from 10:00am – 2:00pm at Greenwich Town Hall– Rain or Shine.

Touch A Truck! is an important fundraiser for the Junior League of Greenwich and draws nearly 3,000 attendees each year. Girls and boys of all ages will enjoy the festivities.

The event draws more than 3,000 attendees each year.

This year the Junior League welcomes back powerful trucks from Greenwich’s Department of Public Works as well as firetrucks, including antique firetrucks, police cars and motorcycles, and ambulances.

In addition, there will be construction equipment and a wide array of kids’ activities, live musical performances by Jay and Ray and a variety of food trucks for mouthwatering treats.

Purchase tickets in advance – ticket purchase will be higher at the door.

Tickets are on sale now. Click here.


Peter Yeskey and Blake inside the Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol truck at the Touch-A-Truck event at Greenwich Town Hall, June 5, 2016 Credit: Leslie Yager