Eversource announced a detour around Bruce Park for cars and pedestrians because they’ll be installing a installing a utility/pedestrian bridge in Bruce Park.
The detour will be between Saturday, June 13 and Sunday, June 21, on Davis Avenue, between Indian Harbor Drive and Bruce Park Drive.
This work is part of the Greenwich Substation & Line Project.
The bridge over Davis Mill Pond will carry a new 115-kilovolt (kV) electric transmission line, an 8-inch water main, a temporary 4-inch gas main and pedestrians enjoying Bruce Park.
This work is part of the underground portion of the project, which also includes installing a transmission line under two miles of local streets to connect the new substation on Railroad Ave to the Cos Cob Substation.
The road closure and detour will be posted directing vehicles to use I-95 between Exits 3 and 4 to bypass this area.
Access to local roadways and driveways will be maintained on each side of Indian Harbor.
Pedestrian traffic will be prohibited during construction.