Gardens in Old Greenwich Rededicated to Longtime Volunteer Firefighter Todd Sobran

On Monday, July 31, the beautiful garden in front of the fire station in Old Greenwich was rededicated in honor of Todd Sobran, a long time volunteer firefighter in Greenwich.

State Representative Steve Meskers (D-150) read a citation honoring Peter Grunow of Gro Pro Landscape Co and First Selectman Fred Camillo named July 31 “L Day” in honor of his 35 years of work beautifying the town and assisting non profit organizations with landscaping projects.

Peter and his staff  at Gro Pro implemented the plantings that now enhance the front of the Sound Beach Fire Station, which is a centerpiece of the downtown area of the Village of Old Greenwich.

They have done countless projects throughout Town, both at private homes and at public spaces like Greenwich Point’s Gateway Gardens and the Old Barn’s Sue Baker Pavilion, creating beautiful gardens and enhancing them with skilled masonry work. 

The Garden Club of Old Greenwich as well as the residents of Old Greenwich and visitors to the village are all grateful for Peter Grunow and his staff’s help in renovating these gardens.