The Eastern Middle School 2024-2025 Drama Club will perform Disney’s The Little Mermaid in the school’s Lee Book Auditorium on January 30 (at 4:30 pm), 31 (at 7:00 pm), and February 1 (at 1:00 and 6:30 pm). Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/the-little-mermaid/)
The Eastern Middle School 2024-2025 Drama Club will perform Disney’s The Little Mermaid in the school’s Lee Book Auditorium on January 30 (at 4:30 pm), 31 (at 7:00 pm), and February 1 (at 1:00 and 6:30 pm). Continue Reading →
The Western Middle School Theater Club will perform The Little Mermaid Jr. on Friday, March 23 and Saturday, March 24, 2018. Continue Reading →
Bring a prepared song and sheet music in your key for the music director. It is preferred that you not choose a song from Disney’s The Little Mermaid score. A group dance audition will be held each evening; wear appropriate shoes. Continue Reading →