Despite not making people more ill than earlier Omicron variants, more people are becoming infected, which accounts for the rise in the numbers of cases, emergency visits and hospitalizations. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/stephanie-paulmeno/)
Despite not making people more ill than earlier Omicron variants, more people are becoming infected, which accounts for the rise in the numbers of cases, emergency visits and hospitalizations. Continue Reading →
“While the pandemic was officially declared ended in May 2023, the COVID-19 virus remains alive, well, and continuously capable of on-going mutations.” – Stephanie Paulmeno, Greenwich Health Dept Continue Reading →
In COVID-19, the “19” refers to the new virus that was identified in Wuhan, China in 2019. We’ve had prior COVID viruses and pandemics, and this is not likely to be our last pandemic. Continue Reading →
The range of symptoms have included overwhelming fatigue, sleep disturbances, eye inflammations, gastrointestinal symptoms, muscle and joint pains, dizziness, and cognitive functioning problems that collectively are referred to as “brain fog.” Continue Reading →
During flu season, in the absence of the common-sense-use of masks, staying home when ill, environmental safeguards, and good respiratory and handwashing hygiene the influenza-infected among us will spread infected viral droplets with every breath, everywhere they go. Continue Reading →
“…a grossly watered-down version of the House bill has been approved by the Senate. I’m proud of the legislators on both sides of the aisle who were able to move us baby-steps closer to something meaningful, but this compromise bill is a pathetic ghost of the changes needed.” – Stephanie Paulmeno Continue Reading →
Here in Greenwich many of our infected are students and employees in our schools: Continue Reading →
An historical look at vaccines for our safety and the safety of communities and the safety of communities Continue Reading →
Of Connecticut’s 169 municipalities, 81 are at the “red zone alert level” meaning they have high community spread. Greenwich is currently in the “orange zone alert level”, signifying significant community spread. Continue Reading →
The Greenwich Department of Health is celebrating its 350th year of dedicated service to the Town of Greenwich this year. Continue Reading →