In 2 weeks, GHS clubs collected 5,054 lbs of items including clothing, towels and sheets in green bins at GHS, Nathaniel Witherell and the Teen Center. That resulted in a check for about $850 from Fairco Greentree Recycling. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/stephanie-marquesano/)
In 2 weeks, GHS clubs collected 5,054 lbs of items including clothing, towels and sheets in green bins at GHS, Nathaniel Witherell and the Teen Center. That resulted in a check for about $850 from Fairco Greentree Recycling. Continue Reading →
“”This paradigm that pain is not acceptable … it is not a badge of honor any more,” Sethi said. “We know if you request refills of your pain medication, the chances of being hooked a year later substantially increase. …as soon as some of these really vulnerable athletes get a feel for these medications, it’s an a-ha, it’s an escape for them.” – Dr. Paul Sethi, ONS Continue Reading →