“In my neighborhood we do not support sidewalks of any kind….I personally do not favor traffic cameras in town. As a New England Yankee our personal freedoms are paramount.” – Karen Fassuliotis Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/gabriella-circosta-cohee/)
“In my neighborhood we do not support sidewalks of any kind….I personally do not favor traffic cameras in town. As a New England Yankee our personal freedoms are paramount.” – Karen Fassuliotis Continue Reading →
At Monday’s DPW forum, one resident of Perna Lane said neighbors continuously have to replace knocked down mailboxes and re-seed their grass because trucks drive on their front lawns. She said pets had been killed and children had been hit by cars. Continue Reading →
The project cost $2.5 million, and was funded through the Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP) grant from the CT Dept of Transportation. Continue Reading →
Green space has been added to the north side of Arch St, and 4 spots added to the south side to narrow the lanes of travel. Continue Reading →
DPW engineer Ms. Circosta-Cohee explained the protocol and permits for relocating wildlife from Binney Pond during the dredge project. Continue Reading →