Letter: Bergstein is Committed to Gun Control, a Women’s Right to Choose, the Environment

Letter to the editor submitted by Sherry Wernicke

After meeting Alex Bergstein and listening to her plans for Connecticut, I came away thinking she would make a thoughtful and engaged Senator for CT-36.

Alex has solid ideas to address Connecticut’s fiscal woes, the pension crisis, and to rebuild our infrastructure.

Through logical and well-developed plans of tax cuts, tolls (stop letting people tell you these are taxes), private-public partnerships, and supporting and promoting thriving downtown districts, Alex’s ideas would bring companies to our state, along with new jobs and revenue. All of which would boost our economy and help us grow.

I found Alex to be refreshing and to be seeking real solutions in a non-partisan manner over rhetoric and blame. For instance, all of us complain about our infrastructure yet our legislators keep using the bonding budget every year without seeing any appreciable improvement in our rails or roads.

The lack of a modern and efficient transportation network is the No.1 reason companies don’t move here, yet our legislators continue to use the same old strategy to no avail. In the meantime, our quality of life and economy remains negatively impacted. I want someone as my Senator who will move us forward and not just place blame and call for more tax cuts to solve all of our problems.

But what brought home my support for Alex is her commitment to issues that are important to me such as protecting our gun control laws, a women’s right to choose, and the environment. Having a pre-existing condition. I am really afraid my ability to get affordable healthcare will be taken away from me, too. If these issues matter to you, seriously look at your legislator’s voting record before you check that box. Don’t just rely on what they say!

I came away believing Alex will work to solve problems in a non-partisan manner and that with her as our Senator, we can achieve prosperity without sacrificing our democracy and American values. Safety, opportunity, and prosperity for generations to come. Nice!

Oh, and not only are Alex’s ideas impressive, but so is her background. While the mom of 3, she is getting a PhD at Yale in environmental studies. She is a community leader, citizen advocate, and educator not to mention an attorney. Whew!

People of all political persuasions would serve themselves and the state of Connecticut well by taking a serious look at Alex Bergstein. She is a fresh voice who will be a leader for tomorrow. She definitely will have my vote on Nov. 6!

Sherry Wernicke