With temperatures reaching over 90°F and humidity hitting above 90% most days, the conditions in Sarasota made achieving such results no easier. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/author/anna-meurer/)
With temperatures reaching over 90°F and humidity hitting above 90% most days, the conditions in Sarasota made achieving such results no easier. Continue Reading →
If you ever find yourself craving a handcrafted almond croissant, or a bold coffee with a heavenly aroma, make your way to Coffee Luca, located at 189 Greenwich Avenue. Continue Reading →
C. Parker Gallery is currently showcasing photographer Mark Weiss’ work on 1980s rock and roll and is also featuring pieces by the silkscreen artist and Fox 5 NYC anchor Steve Lacey. The exhibit, “Good Times, Big Hair” coincides with the Greenwich Town Party, where Lynyrd Skynyrd, an artist he frequently worked with, performed on Saturday. Continue Reading →