Over 140 Cub Scouts came out for a day of outdoor fun at Greenwich Scouting’s Fall Cub Festival at Seton Scout Reservation.
“Leather stamping is so cool,” said Pack 3 Webelos Scout, Jackson Bogardus. “My dad showed me his leather key holder that my grandfather made for him.” At the handicraft station, Scouts used wooden mallets to stamp designs on a piece of leather.

Cub Scouts scale the 42 foot climbing tower at the Fall Cub Festival at Seton Scout Reservation.
Leather work, sling shots, archery, climbing, and bouldering were just a few of the Scout skills Cub Scouts took part in at the annual festival.
“It was a great event that was put together by many of the Greenwich Council volunteer leaders,” said Chris Roehler, Senior District Executive. Pack leaders and parents manned the different stations from noon until 4:00pm.
Gaga ball, a forest hayride and the Haunted House at the Nature Center were favorite stops for all.
“The weather was perfect,” said Roehler. “I was happy to see so many smiling faces on the Cub Scouts that came out for a day of fun and adventure.”
Over 100 families stayed after the day’s activities for an evening campfire and overnight tent camping.

Bub Scouts at the leather stamping station at the Fall Cub Festival at Seton Scout Reservation
Adventure, leadership, service and learning, especially in the outdoors, have remained essential to the Greenwich Scouting experience since its inception in 1912. Nearly 1,750 local youth participate in fun programs, such as the Fall Cub Festival, run by 250 dedicated volunteers, all of which help prepare local boys and girls for life. With over 20 partnering organizations and Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Venturing and Exploring opportunities in Greenwich, Connecticut, there’s never been a better time to join the Scouting community.
For more information about local Scouting visit GreenwichScouting.org.

Cub Scouts avoid elimination in the gaga pit at the Fall Cub Festival at Seton Scout Reservation.