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Pat Craig, Founder and Executive Director of the Wild Animal Sanctuary, will give a webinar on Nov 23 at 11:00am on the development of the sanctuary and its role in rescuing wild animals from lives of miserable captivity.

Created in 1980, the 10,473 acre sanctuary situated on grasslands in Keenesburg, Colorado, specializes in rescuing and caring for large predators that are being ill-treated.
Pat began saving captive wildlife after learning that thousands of “surplus” animals were being kept in tiny cages in the back of zoos across the country – with many being euthanized daily. He set out on a mission to help save these animals by building a small rescue facility on his family farm outside Boulder. In doing so, Pat became the first person to build a sanctuary dedicated to saving large carnivores.
Pat’s vision has led, 41 years later, to the oldest, largest nonprofit sanctuary in the Western Hemisphere dedicated exclusively to the rescue of captive exotic and endangered large carnivores that have been abused, abandoned, exploited, or illegally kept.
Pat’s 40 years of experience in captive large carnivore behavior and sanctuary development have led to his becoming a leading expert in the field. He has participated in The Association of Sanctuaries and the American Sanctuary Association, on whose board he served. Pat lectures nationally on captive wildlife rescue and transportation, great cat behaviors and diets. He teaches about the Captive Wildlife Crisis and Sanctuaries at Colorado State University and has worked tirelessly toward better protection for these animals. He works together with the USDA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Colorado Division of Wildlife, and many other state, national & international organizations in the never-ending rescue of animals in need.
The Wild Animal Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a state and federally licensed zoological facility.
There will be no meeting at the First Presbyterian Church November 23
On November 30, in-person, Kermit Roosevelt III, Professor for the Administration of Justice, University of Pennsylvania Law School, on his new book, The Nation That Never Was: Reconstructing America’s Story.
The Greenwich Retired Men’s Association offers a free in-person or Zoom Webinar speaker program every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. For additional information see or contact us by e-mail at [email protected]