An update from the Parks & Rec Dept this week said Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo, in collaboration with his emergency management task force, announced that effective November 1, 2020, passes will be required through November 30, 2020.
Access to Greenwich Point Park is subject to the rules here.
Drivers, bikers, walkers and joggers must show their 2020 park pass.
The sale of single entry park passes and parking passes continues through November 30, in limited daily quantities.
For further ticket sales information, click here.
Anyone caught in violation will be asked to leave immediately and may be subject to a loss of beach privileges. The sale of single entry park passes and parking passes will continue in limited quantities. If the daily allocation of passes SOLD OUT before the scheduled time, the park pass office will resume sales the next business day.
Residents with a valid 2020 parks & Rec account may purchase single entry park passes and parking passes online at through Nov 30. When the daily allocation is sold out, sales will be available online the following day.
The purchase of a pass does not guarantee access on any specific day and is subject to capacity limits due to Covid-19.
Passes are non-refundable and are valid for a single entry during the 2020 season only. Passes for people 5-64 are $8.00. No charge for 65+ or under 5. Single entry parking passes are $40 for Greenwich Point.