Selma Maisel Nursery SChool

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Temple Sholom Selma Maisel Nursery School Adds Part-Day 1’s Program

The Temple Sholom Selma Maisel Nursery School, known for its one-of-a-kind early childhood program, is excited to announce the addition of a part-day 1’s program for those looking to jump-start their child’s nursery school experience. “Families have been so interested in starting their Temple Sholom Selma Maisel Nursery School career before the 2’s,” said David Cohen, Director of Schools in a release. “We are thrilled to be able to expand our offerings to include a part-day option for 1-year-olds.”

This new class – geared for children born September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024 – will meet from 9:15 am to 12:00 pm in a customized classroom that will provide comfort and age-appropriate learning experiences. Parents will have the option of choosing among a Monday-Friday, Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule for the 2025-2026 school year. Similar to the current 2’s, 3’s and 4’s part-day classes, this new 1’s class will participate in many of the school’s great specials including music, gym, gymnastics, outdoor play, and more. Continue Reading →

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VIDEO: Temple Sholom Kicks Off Rosh Hashanah with Sounds the Shofar

This year, due to Covid, synagogues are not blowing shofar indoors. But Stu Seltzer, who has demonstrated the shofar at Temple Sholom indoors on the stage for the past five years, noted Tuesday was a beautiful day for an outdoor demonstration. Continue Reading →

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