Proceeds will benefit underserved students. Continue Reading →
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Fall Session of Boys Achieving More “BAM!” a Roaring Success
Thirty-one 5th Grade Boys Participate in Jr League of Greenwich Outdoor Adventure program. The session, which filled within 48 hours of registration, was created by the Jr League of Greenwich to give boys the opportunity to practice respect, trust, communication and leadership. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Parenting, BAM!, Bob DeAngelo, Bobby Walker, Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich, Boys Achieving More, Camp Seton
REACH Prep’s Annual Benefit Luncheon Features President & Trinity College Professor of Neuroscience
REACH Prep’s Annual Benefit Luncheon raised over $325,000, all of which will directly support programming for Scholars, including a 15-month Prep Academy program, individualized middle school and high school support, and college guidance. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Giving, Schools, Joanne Berger-Sweeney, REACH Prep, Trinity College
Joanne Berger-Sweeney, President & Trinity College Professor of Neuroscience is Featured Speaker at REACH Prep Annual Benefit Luncheon
Upon placement, students benefit from a 12-year educational continuum, including comprehensive academic enrichment, leadership training and supplementary individual and family guidance, which prepares them to succeed at and graduate from competitive colleges. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Giving, Schools, Joanne Berger-Sweeney, REACH Prep, Trinity College
REACH Prep Holds Inaugural NYC Fall Fundraiser, “An Evening in the Park”
REACH Prep helps motivated and talented Black and Latino students from underserved communities in Fairfield and Westchester Counties and the Bronx gain admission to and thrive in rigorous independent schools. Continue Reading →