Old World Craftsmen

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Simulated Divided Light vs Snap-In Grills for Windows

An Intro to Insulated Glass First, a little background: modern windows are made as an assembly like a sandwich with with double (or sometimes triple) layers of glass with spacing between them, usually filled with Argon gas, which has 50% less heat conduction than air. This assembly is called insulated glass (IG) and generally a window or door sash will be made with one unit of insulated glass. To achieve a colonial or other decorative look, grills (in the old days called muntins) are added over the glass for a historic look in lots of configurations. Continue Reading →

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How Much Does it Cost to Re-Side My House?

One of our most popular exterior renovations is new siding on an older home. When we explore the project at the initial consult, more often than not a better name for the project usually turns out to be a Façade renovation. So much more goes into the external appearance and maintenance of a home than siding, and older homes usually have a number of exterior features that need updating or replacement. Continue Reading →

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How Long Will It Take To Design My Project?

“At nearly every sales consult to discuss a renovation, the client will ask us this question. Sometimes it takes the form of “When can you start?” Frequently we will be asked “How far out are you booked?” because they think this is what determines the possible start date for their project. Generally, it doesn’t. We can nearly always make a construction crew available when a client has their project ready to build!” – Scott Simonsen, Old World Craftsmen Continue Reading →

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What is a Fair Payment Schedule for a Home Renovation or New Build?

The overall principle of a fair payment schedule is that the percentage of money paid should stay approximately current with the percentage of work done. The exception is custom materials that must be purchased far in advance such as windows and cabinetry – the client is expected to provide the deposit to cover these items, as with most custom orders. Continue Reading →

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How much does a basement renovation cost?

As with bathroom and kitchen renovations, every basement renovation is unique. However, certain aspects will greatly influence the overall cost including electrical needs, heating/cooling, insulation, waterproofing and egress construction costs. A good design phase is imperative to bring the cost factors to light and create an accurate budget. Continue Reading →

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