The Greenwich United Way (GUW) presented “A Conversation About Youth Mental Health” at the Foundation House Tuesday evening to raise awareness about local resources to help address the youth mental health crisis in Greenwich. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/behavioral-health/)
The Greenwich United Way (GUW) presented “A Conversation About Youth Mental Health” at the Foundation House Tuesday evening to raise awareness about local resources to help address the youth mental health crisis in Greenwich. Continue Reading →
“Many have suffered from what is called secondary trauma, a reaction to the pain, suffering and loss of life around them even when they do not know the people involved. The Ukrainian tragedy that we are seeing daily is further compounding this enduring grief. During the pandemic, loss and grief reactions impacted front-line health and service providers, but also so many more who tended to be overlooked.” – Dr. Stephanie Paulmeno, Greenwich Dept of Health Continue Reading →