In-person early voting begins Monday, Oct 21, 2024. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/absentee-ballots/)
In-person early voting begins Monday, Oct 21, 2024. Continue Reading →
Secretary of State Denise Merrill said Connecticut has an unusual provision that people must vote on Tuesday. She is advocating for a state Constitutional amendment to permit early voting. She noted Greenwich already has the most absentee ballots in Connecticut. Continue Reading →
During intermission at Monday’s candidate debate, Jara Burnett explained the importance of a proposed CT Constitutional amendment that will appear on the ballot come Nov. 4. There is more at stake than a choice between candidates: “Shall the Constitution of the State of Connecticut be amended to remove restrictions concerning absentee ballots and to permit a person to vote without appearing at a polling place on the date of election?” Continue Reading →