Town of Greenwich Traffic Advisory
The Sewer Division is replacing a portion of the Old Greenwich Common Force Main. This is part of the project that has been underway along the north side of I-95 and the south side of the train tracks between Exit 4 of I-95 and Davis Avenue.
The remainder of the work is to now install the force main under Davis Avenue and connect to an existing underground junction chamber at the intersection of Davis Avenue and Bruce Park Avenue. This force main carries wastewater under pressure from three wastewater pumping stations: Old Greenwich, Chapel Lane and Cos Cob Pumping Stations.
DPW performs maintenance work regularly to improve the Town’s infrastructure. In addition, due to prior issues with this line, the Town is under a USEPA mandated Consent Decree to replace several segments (including this segment) of the Old Greenwich Common Force Main.
This is a critical piece of Town infrastructure. The Sewer Division is installing a new pipeline to improve the system as well as the reliability of that portion of the system.
Weather permitting, construction is expected to get underway starting the week of September 16, 2019. The force main installation should wrap up by the end of 2019 to be followed later by final paving (most likely in the Spring of 2020). Work is generally scheduled for Monday through Friday during the day.
However, there may be some limited periods of night work and/or early morning construction.
Please check the Town’s website frequently for updates. The first road closure on Davis Avenue is scheduled for September 17 and 18, 2019 between the hours of 7:00am and 5:00pm.
The majority of the construction will take place within the roadway of Davis Avenue from the I-95 overpass to Bruce Park Avenue. A temporary force main pipe will be installed behind the parking lot of 100 Bruce Park Avenue and behind the houses 96 and 94 Bruce Park Avenue and terminate in an existing sewer manhole structure in the backyard of 86 Bruce Park Avenue.
This will include periods of work where alternating two-way traffic is maintained by Greenwich Police Officers and flaggers in one lane of travel on Davis Avenue, as well as periods where Davis Avenue will be closed between the railroad bridge on Davis Avenue and Indian Harbor Drive.
ALL businesses are OPEN.
Q. Didn’t you work on sewer a few years ago in this area?
A. Yes, but that was related to a completely different large diameter gravity sanitary sewer that carries sewer flow for the properties in this area. That work was successfully completed thanks to all of your cooperation and included lining the 39-inch diameter sewer main that runs behind the houses of several properties on Bruce Park Avenue. This work is entirely separate and is for the force main described earlier in this document.
Q. Why does this have to be done now?
A. This is part of a Consent Decree and the work is required to be completed as soon as possible. The current deadline to have the pipeline work completed is by the end of 2019.
Give yourself a little extra time when you are traveling and there may be temporary disruption to parking spaces available during the construction and travel delays.
Drive carefully to keep yourself and the field workers safe.
There is no anticipated disruption to your ability to use water and therefore, you can maintain your normal daily activities of washing dishes, clothes, showering, flushing toilets, etc.
We appreciate your patience during construction.
Any additional questions, please contact the Sewer Division at 203-622-7760.