This is proposed as a “set aside” development under 8-30g. Four of the 18 units (22%) are proposed to be affordable, with assistance from the town’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/davis-ave/)
This is proposed as a “set aside” development under 8-30g. Four of the 18 units (22%) are proposed to be affordable, with assistance from the town’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Continue Reading →
The R-6 zone regulation have changed since this 2013 site plan approval, so the project would be legally non-conforming once completed. Continue Reading →
Work is being done to install a force main under Davis Avenue and connect to an existing underground junction chamber at the intersection of Davis Avenue and Bruce Park Avenue. This force main carries wastewater under pressure from three wastewater pumping stations: Old Greenwich, Chapel Lane and Cos Cob Pumping Stations. Continue Reading →