At the Monday morning press briefing Lt John Slusarz summarized recent police activity.
First, he said, a dinghy capsized at one of Greenwich’s mooring fields. “The person was taken out of water before we got there and was in the water for Less than three minutes,” he said.
Second, he said a 2012 Mercedes Benz MI350 was stolen from Shore Road in the overnight hours between November 1 and 2. Asked whether the keys had been left in an unlocked car, Slusar said the owners said they only had one of their two key fobs and weren’t aware what happened to the second set.
Third, there was a Larceny from a store located at 205 Greenwich Ave, which is the address associated with Saks.
Slusarz said two subjects made off with three Canada Goose jackets on Nov 2 around 5:30pm.
Fourth, there was a reported Larceny from a Motor Vehicle on Nov 1. A purse was taken from a Lexus RX400 on River Ave.
Lastly, a residential burglary on Lockwood Rd occurred between 6:50m and 8:30pm on Nov 1. Slusarz said unknown subjects went into a house and stole some property and that the inventory of what is missing is pending. “There was no evidence of forced entry observed,” Slusarz said.
Other recent residential burglaries include a house on Neil Lane by the Riverside McDonald’s was was report burglarized on Oct 28. The residents came home found a door half way open and a window was shattered.
Prior to that two men were arrested for attempting to burglarize a residence on River Rd in Cos Cob on Oct 1. The two men, both from the Bronx, NY, were confronted by the homeowner when they attempted to force entry through a rear door.
See also:
More Luxury Cars Stolen in Greenwich: You Wouldn’t Buy a Car Without a Lock, Would You?