The Greenwich Tree Warden, Dr. Greg Kramer, on Tuesday issued a decision about the removal of six mature trees in the Glenville Road corridor (at 449 Glenville Rd and 266 Glenville Rd) to make way DPW’s project to improve the Glenville Rd corridor to alleviate congestion and increase traffic and pedestrian safety.

The corridor runs from the foot of Glen Ridge Rd by Stop & Shop, past the fire house, past the intersection with Pemberwick Rd and Glenville Pizza, and around the corner to Weaver Street.
According to Deputy DPW Commissioner Jim Michel, the number of vehicles passing through the corridor on a daily basis is about 15,000.
After the trees were posted for removal, there were complaints, triggering a public tree hearing, which was held on Oct 8.
The tree warden said he issued his ruling after careful consideration and having listened objectively to the facts and opinions presented by all parties.
“It is my decision and have concluded that the four London plane trees (Plantanus x acerifolia) consisting of a diameter at breast height (DBH) of 28″, 22″, 25″, and 13″ and two black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) consisting of 26″ be approved for removal,” he wrote in his decision.
A statement from JoAnn Messina of the Greenwich Tree Conservancy expressed disapproval.
“The Greenwich Tree Conservancy is very disappointed that these 4 majestic London Plane trees will be removed,” the GTC said. “The goal of this road improvement is to mitigate the ill effects of traffic congestion and to improve air quality these trees are a large part of that mitigation.”

The Tree warden did say the removal of the trees would only be granted to the DPW with the agreement that upon completion the of the road, sidewalk and parking area improvements, there would be a replanting of trees at a 1 to 1.5 ratio.
The replacement trees will be no less than 2″ caliper, for a total of nine trees.
The species will be determined at the discretion of the tree warden.
Additionally, the tree warden said he requested an overall comprehensive landscape improvement plan that enhances the areas after construction.
Any party aggrieved by the tree warden’s decision may, within 10 days, appeal to superior court or the judicial district within which such town or borough is located.
See also:
Glenville Rd Corridor: Weird Geometry, Missing Sidewalks, 15,000 Vehicles a Day March 22, 2019