Attorney General William Tong, Consumer Protection Commissioner Michelle Seagull and the CT Judicial Branch issued an alert urging consumers to be wary of scam callers posing as Connecticut judicial marshals demanding immediate payment of fines for missing jury duty to avoid arrest. If you receive such a call it is a scam.
“Legitimate officials will never call and demand immediate payment of jury duty fines. Don’t be fooled. Jury duty remains one of our most important civic responsibilities and I urge every eligible person to fulfill that service. However, Judicial Branch officials certainly won’t call and threaten arrest for missing jury duty,” said Attorney General Tong in a release.
“Neither the Court nor Jury Administration would ever call anyone and demand money if an individual failed to appear for jury service. Moreover, all jury trials are currently suspended due to the pandemic. So if anyone receives such a call, please rest assured it is a scam,” said Chief Court Administrator Patrick L. Carroll III.
“This is just another scam tactic used to frighten people into giving up valuable personal information or money,” Seagull said. “If you receive a threatening phone call from someone claiming to be with a government agency, hang up and report the scam to local authorities. A government agency will never call and threaten to arrest or fine you if you miss jury duty.”
The Connecticut Judicial Branch will never call you about jury duty or missing jury duty, and it will never ask for payment.
In addition, Connecticut judicial marshals are not authorized to enforce the statute relating to individuals who miss jury duty. They may not contact individuals by telephone regarding jury duty. Penalties surrounding failure to appear for jury duty are civil, not criminal violations.
If you receive a telephone call from an individual demanding payment of a fine for missing jury duty, please hang up and promptly report it your local police department.