On Tuesday, October 20 at 7:00pm, Greenwich Library partners with the Yale Alumni Association of Greenwich to present a discussion on The 2020 Election and our Democracy.
This timely conversation will feature balanced viewpoints from two esteemed Yale University professors: Bryan Garsten, Professor of Political Science and Humanities at Yale University; and David Bromwich, Sterling Professor of English at Yale College. William Jarvis will serve as moderator.
The discussion will take place on Zoom. A Q&A session will follow.
This event is part of the ongoing annual Yale Speakers Series, sponsored as a public service by the Yale Alumni Association of Greenwich in cooperation with Yale University. This is the fifth year of this successful series, which has featured leading Yale faculty members from areas as diverse as art history, politics, urban planning, constitutional history, medical research and water policy.
Bromwich and Garsten will discuss the political and economic environment that may prevail after the election in November.
At Yale, Bromwich has taught courses on British romanticism, modern poetry, and the political thought of Burke and Lincoln. Among his books are Hazlitt: The Mind of a Critic and The Intellectual Life of Edmund Burke: From the Sublime and Beautiful to American Independence. He edited the Penguin edition of Henry James’s Turn of the Screw and co-edited the Yale University Press edition of Mill’s On Liberty. He is working now on a book about rhetorical persuasion and the relationship between words and actions. His essays and reviews have appeared in The New York Review of Books, The Nation, and the London Review of Books; and between 2007 and 2016 he wrote semi-regular columns for the Huffington Post on civil liberties and America’s wars.
Bryan Garsten is Chair of the Humanities Program at Yale University. He is the author of Saving Persuasion: A Defense of Rhetoric and Judgment, as well as articles on political rhetoric and deliberation, the meaning of representative government, the relationship of politics and religion, and the place of emotions in political life.
Garsten is now finishing a book called The Heart of a Heartless World that examines the ethical, political and religious core of early 19th-century liberalism in the United States and France.
His writings have won various awards, including the First Book Prize of the Foundations of Political Theory section of the American Political Science Association.
Garsten is the co-chair of the International Conference on the Study of Political Thought and serves on the editorial board of Philosophy and Rhetoric. He currently is a member of the Harvard Higher Education Leaders Forum.