Prihoda: Honoring those lost on 9/11 by by setting aside our differences

Submitted by Monica Prihoda

Wednesday, September 11, 2001, marked the 23rd anniversary of the terrorist attack on the United States of America.

Poignant remembrance ceremonies were held, articles written, spoken of in places of worship of all denominations, articles written, photographs printed throughout our country.

We honor those who lost their lives each September 11th and thereafter – all the loved ones, their families, friends and first responders who died that day and who continue to suffer the emotional and spiritual grief and physical repercussions of that dreadful day of loss that we all share with them.

We can best continue to honor them daily in peace by setting aside our differences by being open and really listening to and understanding another person.

Being open, not calcified in our beliefs, we may all soften our edges and come together respectfully as a nation, a world, a people of made of individuals as I believe those lost would have us do.

It begins with us.

Respectfully and hopefully,
Monica Prihoda