Letter to the Editor:”Free the Bethlehem 63″ T-Shirts Support Care of 63 Dogs Seized from Fred Acker

To the Editor:

Due to Fred Acker appealing his convictions for animal cruelty and stating that he intends to continue to do so even it the process takes years, and the dogs having been seized and relinquished to the care of municipal shelters and boarding facilities for a length of time, I have set up a Booster T-shirt for sale for those who would like to support the care of the 63 dogs seized from Fred Acker, “The Bethlehem 63.”

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To clarify, neither the town nor Judy Umstead have appealed to draw out the process as Mr. Acker has asserted. Rather, filed a cross appeal only in the civil case due to his appeal.   The dogs are now still in the care of Bethlehem Animal Control and the t-shirt sales will hopefully offset some of the cost for their vet bills because some of the dogs do need daily medication.

To buy a shirt readers can go to www.booster.com/freethe63. Also our Facebook page www.Facebook.com/freethe63


Dana Natrillo