LETTER: The unfortunate right turn of the RTC of Greenwich

Submitted by Eileen Simonson, Greenwich

I write to commend Allison Hope for writing a thoughtful and accurate letter concerning the unfortunate right turn of the RTC of Greenwich. (LETTER: Dangerous Lies Aug 30, 2023)

Although I disagree that it is going too far to invite DeSantis to speak here ( First Amendment and all that) I suggest that the RTC use it as an opportunity to question and challenge his policies and certainly his hate-leaning statements on gender and race.

Things in our nation seemed to be going alright as we emerged from under a horrible economic downturn in early 2000’s and experienced a lessening of tensions about social mores under our laws. And then, a partially black man became president and seemed to flame the gravest hidden fears of a portion of our population. His Administration took action, the economy began a climb, but this was followed by a loud, boorish man who told us everything was terrible in our country. His followers repeated it until people started to believe it.

When will the mostly Republican base acknowledge that the “Emperor” – is a business man who does not pay his bills – places his fragile ego above all things and in is in fact an “unclothed” do nothing, bloviating unprincipled loser?

A person who does not believe in constitutional government should not run for office.