LifeRing Secular Recovery Reopens Its Meetings at Greenwich Hospital

After a nearly three year hiatus for its in-person meetings at Greenwich Hospital, LifeRing Secular Recovery (LifeRing) resumed the meetings in late February.

LifeRing began about 25 years ago and has meetings in the U.S. and Europe. Most of its domestic meetings are in the western U.S. and Florida, with a few in the Northeast. The one in Connecticut is held at Greenwich Hospital.

LifeRing is a network of self-help groups for those suffering from addiction to alcohol or drugs who want to get and stay sober. Many LifeRing members attend other kinds of meetings or recovery programs, and LifeRing supports those decisions.

LifeRing differs from AA, as it is secular, and so does not subscribe to the theory of a “higher power,” and it promotes the inherent strength of the individual, and so does not promote “surrender.”

There are no “steps,” as LifeRing believes each person must design and follow his or her own path to recovery, and while many in recovery have slips along the path, LifeRing does not believe the slip means one must start over, as valuable lessons were learned during the sober period, and those lessons should not be ignored, but must be used as the point of resuming recovery.

Another LifeRing attraction for its attendees that differs from AA is its emphasis on the positive and its forward-looking approach emphasizing the ability of the individual to triumph over addiction.

LifeRing meetings are different from AA’s in that those working to stay sober share advice, understanding, and encouragement. Discussions are a vital part of the hour-long meeting, with the focus being on one’s current life, not on the hurt and damage the addiction caused in the past. The group, talking among themselves, learn from each other, and gain strength from each other.

The LifeRing concept is that each person has an addictive self and a sober self, and it is each person’s goal (with the input and aid of the LifeRing group) to help the sober self to defeat the addictive self that has taken control.

Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to the meetings, including family members. All meetings are free, and everything said is confidential. Dress is casual; the only requirement to attend is to be sober at the time.

Meetings are held in the Mianus Conference Room on the ground floor of Greenwich Hospital at 5 Perryridge Rd. The underground parking lot is free. Meetings are Sunday 3:30-4:30 pm and Wednesday 6:30-7:30 pm.

Additional information on LifeRing is available at,, or [email protected].