Letter to the editor submitted by Monica Prihoda, RTM District 6, Old Greenwich
“GOP slate backs Trump” (Greenwich Time, August 2, 2018) says it all:
All five GOP candidates for Governor support President Trump’s positions. They all oppose gun control, they support Trump’s position and strategy on the border wall, they advocate changing collective bargaining rules and offer “doomsday assessments of the state’s fiscal condition.”
Not included in the article but to be considered: civil rights, women’s and gay rights, voting rights, the assault on our historic global alliances, trade partnerships, our environment and healthcare.
Come September it’s time for debates: would the Greenwich Time consider moderating these with open Q&A from interested residents?
Thank you for this front page, lead story headline.
I’d like to know where our current Greenwich GOP officials – Senator Frantz, Representatives Bocchino, Floren and Camillo and Selectmen Tesei and Toner stand? Do they also support President Trump? I want to know where candidates for all Greenwich positions stand and important state positions such as Attorney General and Treasurer.
The primary is Tuesday, August 14th. Register, vote and encourage others to vote. Our votes for the 2018 election are vital. Your vote matters!
Monica Prihoda, RTM District 6
Old Greenwich