Open letter to the BET, submitted by Vin DiMarco and Bob DeAngelo, co-chairs, First Selectman’s Active Transportation Committee
Looking back on your actions on Decision Day #1, it seemed you were working to fully understand proposed capital expenditures and funding sources to make informed decisions on timing and keep the Budget and the mill rate within reasonable limits. Of course, we also acknowledge that the structure of the BET allows for healthy debate, and per tradition, compromise and rational decisions. We expect this, and appreciate your hard work, but in dealing with projects intended to improve safety for all residents
as well as visitors in the public realm, there is no place for politics.
Residents have very strongly voiced their desire for safer/shared roads by all users via the Satisfaction Survey, Public Safety Forum, the final Public Hearing, in the Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Hearings targeting all areas of town.
We applauded your decision to condition, and thereby divide the Shore Rd Sidewalk feasibility study into two sections because of the pending Multi-Use Trail Study that will be considering the northern section.
However, we were gravely disappointed and concerned by the reason Chairman Harry Fisher gave for voting down the Safe Streets for All (SS4A) appropriation, as it reveals a shortsighted view that our streets are off-limits to people outside of automobiles, and that should not be considered.
You are all residents, too, each entitled to your opinion, but we don’t believe it is the role of the BET to make a decision that should be made by residents at large and prevent us from considering possibilities presented by experts.
Please reconsider your decision and include the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) appropriation and allow it to move to the RTM where the ultimate decision belongs.
Vin DiMarco and Bob DeAngelo, co-chairs, co-chairs, First Selectman’s Active Transportation Committee