Letter to the editor from Clare Kilgallen and Oscar Rodriguez
State Representative Mike Bocchino has represented the Greenwich’s 150th District extremely well.
We are involved members of our neighborhood community and have seen first-hand the positive impact of Rep. Bocchino’s hard work for everyone in the District. He is indefatigable in his efforts for the children of Greenwich especially in obtaining state funding for the new New Lebanon Elementary School.
He and the entire Greenwich Delegation (Sen. Frantz, Reps. Floren & Camillo) made sure that the state made good on its obligation to fund the construction grant, which was no small feat (as seen below).
• The Town of Greenwich was mandated by the state of Connecticut to address racial imbalance. The State Board of Education approved the Town BOE’s plan including building a new New Lebanon School.
• However, Ben Barnes, Secretary of Office of Policy Management directly told the Greenwich Delegation that under no circumstances would Gov. Malloy or his administration support funding of any kind to the town of Greenwich for the school.
What Did Representative Bocchino Do?
• Rep. Bocchino immediately met with every representative (Democrats and Republicans) from the Education Committee the Finance Committee and the Bonding Commission to lobby for the approval of the project. The result of Mike’s zealous advocacy? – Each committee voted unanimous approval.
• Mike spoke to all House members on both sides of the aisle while Sen. Frantz spoke to all of the Senate members.
• The next obstacle? – Gov. Malloy then tried to have the project omitted from the state budget.
• The Greenwich Delegation and its staff members caught the omissions and made certain that New Lebanon was included as originally voted upon.
• Due to their efforts led by Rep. Mike Bocchino the project received the full reimbursement amount which will be in excess of $23 million.
• As of today the town of Greenwich has already received three reimbursements totaling over $12.2 million. The school project is on time and slated to be open in February 2019.
As more of our cherished neighborhood schools become in need of renovation or replacement we must make certain that our representatives in Hartford know how to get the job done concerning school construction grants. Rep. Mike Bocchino has delivered real results and real representation!
Rep. Bocchino is a dedicated public servant whose work is not done – we need Mike’s knowledge and experience back in Hartford. Please join us in supporting Rep. Mike Bocchino on November 6th by re-electing him as State Representative of the 150 th District.
Very truly yours,
Clare Kilgallen and Oscar Rodriguez
Note: The deadline for letters in support of candidates in the November 6, 2018 election was Monday, October 29, 2018.
We will continue to publish letters that were submitted in time for the deadline.