Submitted by Jackie Budkins and Ross Moore, Co-Chairs, Ryan Fazio for State Senate
This is an extraordinary campaign season. COVID-19 has radically changed many aspects of our politics. There were no physical events this spring. No fundraisers, no door knocking, no rallies.
Instead, there has been isolation peppered with the occasional zoom conference. Pixelated profiles, voices canned, and intonations flattened, these altered and flawed interactions diminish much real connection.
Despite this backdrop, there are reasons for optimism. In a fragile world full of conflict, a message of optimism rises above the divisiveness: Connecticut can do better. This is a call to do what works for all of Connecticut, not just those with political access. Care for those in need. Save money and return it to working families. Invest in Connecticut. Restore hope.
The messenger is state Senate candidate Ryan Fazio. Ryan is a native son of his district, covering Greenwich, Stamford, and New Canaan. He is a renewable energy professional, a community volunteer, a public policy advocate, and member of the Greenwich RTM. Ryan’s great love and passion for his home district sticks out in a sea of political sound bites and cynicism. Because his motivation is to save Connecticut from its continued slide into economic despair, he is free to look at our current state government and tell the truth.
Encourage work and job creation in our district. Cut wasteful spending and red tape in government. Say no to corruption and special benefits in Hartford. Change the way business is done in Hartford. Fight for middle class families.
In a time of social distancing with no physical campaigning Ryan’s message is already connecting with many. The people who have heard Ryan speak are inspired.
They’ve eagerly supported him and it shows. In fact, his campaign doesn’t need to do any fundraisers, advertise to get donors, or accept any new donations at all. He’s already qualified for the state campaign finance system.
We are thankful to all those who contributed and grateful for the early outpouring of support from so many across Greenwich, Stamford, and New Canaan. We are inspired that Ryan’s heartfelt message of reform and hope has touched you during a time of quarantine.
For the last 12 years, Democrats have held complete control of our state government. In that time, they raised our taxes to the second-highest of any state in the country. And because of that, our state economy has performed worst of any in the country before this crisis even began.
After decades of failed governance in Hartford, it’s clearly time to pass the torch to a new generation of leadership in Connecticut. Ryan represents that change. In the coming months, we look forward to communicating his message of an economy that works for everyone, better infrastructure, and educational excellence for all kids. Ryan is ready to take this fight to Hartford, not for himself, but for all of us. Please join our campaign to protect our community and restore hope in our state.
Jackie Budkins and Ross Moore, Co-Chairs, Ryan Fazio for State Senate