ANDREWS: Everyone wants a better rink; The devil is in the details

Submitted by Jennifer Andrews

As with most things in this town, it seems like we can never get everyone to agree that a project needs to be done.  This ice rink is the one and only exception I’ve seen.  Everyone I’ve spoken with agrees that we desperately need a new rink, everyone!  But the devil is in the details, and with this project, there aren’t many provided.

The general public knows that we need a new rink, and that it would be really hard on current skaters if there was a loss of ice time for 2 years. No one wants this for our skating community.  But it’s not a new rink that is the problem, it’s the location.

Community members with hockey players/skaters may not know there are senior living complexes directly adjacent to the proposed location of the rink.

They may not know that these senior members of our community will have their quality of life severely impacted if the “flip” goes through.

Not just for 2 years, but forever.

They probably don’t know that the proposed new rink will be less than 150 feet from these senior living apartments, that the trash area for the facility will be located directly below their building.

They may not know there is a beautiful memorial grove in the park, where trees have been planted in memory of Byram residents who died in combat.  Currently that space is open and airy, and lovely spot to pay tribute to these fallen community members.  With the new plan, Byram Veterans are concerned that this area is now going to be jammed in right next to the busy parking lot proposed.  The area was dedicated in 2021, and it was resolved that the town will not construct any permanent structure on or above the existing parking lot, but will have the authority to maintain and/or expand the lot.

Speaking of parking, they may not know that there will be LESS parking available with this current plan.

They may not know that there is no provision for a concession stand in this new $24M+ building, but that there will be a spot for food trucks to pull up outside of the rink.

They may not know that the solar panels referenced as to why the building needs to be in this new spot are not included in the $24M estimate.

Fred Camillo has, in many people’s opinions, abused the town wide email system to use it as his own personal database to push through this project as it is.  He refers to 4 Byram residents delaying this project.   These 4 community members represent the people of Byram, not just 4 residents.  They are putting forth the concerns and fears of the neighborhood.  Mr. Camillo seems to have forgotten they are also his constituents, not just the members of the skating community.

The survey referencing 86% of respondents in favor of the “flip” is misleading.  86% of around 2,000 answered that survey.  Greenwich has a population of over 60,000.  Was the composition of survey recipients inclusive of Byram community members, the members that will be impacted the most by this project?

The RTM has a really hopeless decision ahead.  Now that the MI has been put before us, it is our responsibility to look at all aspects of this project.  There have been no official cost estimations provided for the project as a whole.  There have been no financial analysis or studies provided regarding the cost of setting up a temporary rink so that skating can continue while the new rink is built, in the current footprint.  There have been numbers thrown out, but nothing in writing to base a decision on.

Many are struggling with feeling as though they have to choose one community group’s interests over another. This town can be incredibly resilient and resourceful, how is it we cannot find an option that works for everyone, even if it costs a little bit more money? Contrary to popular belief, the town will pay more for quality solutions, North Street Bridge Project is a recent example.

These will be the decisions playing back and forth in the minds of the RTM members this weekend.  No one takes this decision lightly, and EVERYONE wants a better rink.  If someone tries to tell you otherwise, don’t believe it, FAKE NEWS.

Jennifer Andrews
Old Greenwich Resident, and RTM D-6 Member