Christ Church is organizing another Food Packathon, and are seeking volunteers to help people in need on Sunday, October 16, 11:15 am – 2:00 pm in Parish Hall at 254 East Putnam Ave.
Volunteer to work in teams to assemble nutritious ingredients, weigh the packages, seal them, and box them for distribution during this 2-½ hour shift.
This is a simple, organized, and cost-effective way to feed children, families, and people who are food insecure. Christ Church Greenwich has a successful history of organizing Packathons.
This event is helping people served by Neighbor to Neighbor and the Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County, providing nutritious food and peace of mind in these uncertain times.
All ages are welcome to help.
At the last Packathon, 250 volunteers came from the tri-state area to pack 36,000 meals for Ukrainian
refugees on the border of Poland who have fled their homes.

Christ Church is a lively community of faith composed of people with diverse backgrounds, circumstances, and spiritual journeys, bound together by God’s love for all people everywhere and united in the common mission to seek and serve God in all persons. We fulfill this work through the dedicated ministries of over 300 volunteers annually, who serve on more than 40 commissions, committees, guilds, and task forces. In addition, the church hosts and supports more than 20 community meetings per week including 12-step programs, choral and music groups, neighborhood groups, and children’s programs.
The Christ Church Preschool is a regional leader in early education, and our bookstore, Dogwood Gifts and Books, is a thriving resource of both faith-based and secular books. Their 40-year partnership with Neighbor to Neighbor allows them to serve those in Greenwich in need of food.
The Mission of Christ Church Greenwich is to be a vibrant Episcopal community proclaiming God’s love for every human being, no exceptions. Following Jesus’ teachings is their compass for personal growth, community outreach and harmonious living. Its vision is to seek and serve God in all people through inspiration from the Bible, worship, community outreach, music, and art in our sacred historic home.