The Greenwich Sustainability Committee, in partnership with Coffee for Good, announce “A Farmer’s Perspective on Food + Climate Change”, the first Speaker Series of 2023. The event is free, and will be held at Coffee for Good on Tuesday, January 31 from 12:30 – 1:30 pm.

“A Farmer’s Perspective on Food + Climate Change” will be an informative discussion on Connecticut’s food system from the perspective of farmer and food justice advocate Steve Munno. As the Farm Manager of Massaro Community Farm, Co-President of CT-NOFA and Co-Founding Member of New CT Farmer Alliance, Steve has exceptional knowledge to share.
Steve will discuss his work as a farmer in Connecticut, specifically within the context of climate change and how critical it is for farmers to have access to markets, fertile farmland and regional infrastructure in order to produce nutritious local food. According to the report, “Farms Under Threat: The State of the States”, Connecticut farmland is ranked seventh in the nation at risk to development. As our global food system becomes increasingly more vulnerable due to climate change, conflict and Covid, it is critical that we protect Connecticut’s farmland, foster more urban agriculture and provide farmers with the resources they need in order to assure regional food security. We hope you will join us for this educational event, designed to give you a better understanding of our food system, and how you can participate in making it more sustainable.
The conversation will be introduced by Selectperson Janet Stone McGuigan and Terri Browne Kutzen, Chair of Greenwich Community Gardens, will offer a welcome.
The discussion will be moderated by Ali Ghiorse, GSC-Food Systems Chair.
GSC Speaker Series is organized by Kim Gregory, Community Engagement Chair.
For more information or to RSVP email Kim Gregory at [email protected], or view the full invitation here.