The first night of St. Catherine of Siena Church’s Carnival of Fun 2019 kicked off in a unique way on Tuesday night.

Volunteers Minnie Manuli, Wendy Blumenthal and Sue Wilson were ready to greet the throngs at the St Catherine of Siena Carnival of Fun on opening night. July 9, 2019

Father Bill Platt led the procession from St Catherine of Siena Church to the carnival. July 9, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager
Rev Bill Platt led a procession marking the first year the carnival reflected the merger of St. Catherine of Siena Church and St Agnes Church.
Participants led by a bagpipe player carried banners representing both parishes. The procession moved from the front of the church, along Riverside Ave to the carnival grounds, where the procession did a loop around the games and rides before returning to the church.
Because more and more families with young children have been attending the event, this year the carnival includes games including Gold Fish, Huff & Puff and Ice Break, ideal for kids age three to five. Those of course are in addition to the traditional games and rides including the giant ferris wheel.
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Carnival of Fun will take place in Riverside from July 9 through July 13. The church grounds are located at 4 Riverside Ave.
The carnival is open nightly, Tuesday through Saturday, rain or shine.
The event features live entertainment, rides for all ages, games of chance, plenty of of prizes, face painting, a 50-50 raffle, and even a dunking booth.

Emma Doring and Jimmy Capparell at the St Catherine Carnival of Fun. July 9, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

Sharon Capparell and Irene Dietrich ready to volunteer at the St Catherine of Siena Church Carnival of Fun. July 9, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

Rev Bill Plat led the procession from St Catherine of Siena to the Carnival of Fun. July 9, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

Laughing clowns ready to greet carnival goers in games of chance at St Catherine of Siena Carnival of Fun, July 9 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

A dunk booth was set up to raise funds for St Catherine of Siena Church at the Carnival of Fun. July 9, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

Three young girls carried the banner representing the combined parishes of St Catherine of Siena and St Agnes. July 9, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

Procession representing the combined parishes of St Catherine of Siena and St Agnes during the procession on July 9, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

Rides at the St Catherine Carnival of Fun on July 9, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

Rides at the St Catherine Carnival of Fun on July 9, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

Rides at the St Catherine Carnival of Fun on July 9, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager

Lines of aliens at St Catherine Carnival of Fun on July 9, 2019 Photo: Leslie Yager